The Child Abuse Prevention Council
Get Involved
You can make a difference in the life of a child and family! As an Intern you can expect quality training and ongoing supervision, personal growth, work experience, opportunities for new friendships, non-profit business contacts, networking and the reward of being needed and appreciated. You will have the opportunity to attend workshops, acquire access to family support tools and resources. And the opportunity to meet and learn about other Ventura County non-profits and County services.
As an Intern you can expect quality training and ongoing supervision, personal growth, work experience, opportunities for new friendships, non-profit business contacts, networking and the reward of being needed and appreciated. You will have the opportunity to attend workshops, acquire access to family support tools and resources. And the opportunity to meet and learn about other Ventura County non-profits and County services.
You will learn how to prevent child abuse and neglect, one family at a time, by interning with The Partnership for Safe Families & Communities, the Designated Child Abuse and Violence Prevention Council.
The Partnership Commitment to Interns